About me:
I grew up in Denmark and have lived many years abroad.
I have studied with a number of International artists from Mexico City and various other countries, working primarily with watercolor for the last 15 years. I am intrigued and work hard to achieve light and obtain transparency. Movement and color fascinate me.
My first group exhibition took place in 2004 and I have participated in more than 75 juried and open exhibitions among others at the Museo Nacional de la Acuarela and Museo de Arte Moderno in México, as well as in Copenhagen, Denmark and Düsseldorf and Leverkusen in Germany among others.
In September 2014 I had my first individual Exhibition at Stunam, Centro Cultural Centeno, Mexico City and from 20th November 2014 till 28th of February 2015. I had another solo exhibition at Center Lindegaarden in Roskilde, Denmark.
Duality, New Tendencies, April - September 2016, 9 watercolors at the Museo de la Acuarela del Estado de Mexcio, Toluca.
Colorful Expressions - 3. May - 2. June 2016, Birkerød, Demmark.
My paintings form part of private collections in Denmark, Sweden, Canada, USA, England, Australia and Mexico.
Tlacuilo Grand Prize, Landscape, 66. Salon Nacional de la Acuarela, National Watercolor Museum, Mexico City
3. Prize - 162 Feria del Flor 158, Museo de El Carmen, Mexico City
Honorary Mention: 2nd Annual Competition, Contemporary Watercolor, Mexican Watercolor Society, Mexico City
10. Concurso de Acuarela Premio Tlaloc: 3. Prize in Abstract Watercolor, Museo de la Acuarela del Estado de Mexico
Honorary Mention: “Medios Acuosos” Museo National de la Acuarela, (National Watercolor Museum) Mexico City
3. Prize, Feria del Flor 158, Museo de El Carmen, Mexico City
3. Prize, Feria del Flor 157, Museo de El Carmen, Mexico City
Honorary Mention: La tercera Edition del premio SMA, (3rd Annual Competition of the Mexican Watercolor Society) Mexico City which awarded me entry into the prestigious Sociedad Mexicana de Acuarelistas (SMA, Mexican Watercolor Society) http://www.acuarelamexicana.org/Heidi_Andersen.htm)
Honorary Mention: XLIX Concurso Aficionados a la Acuarela, (Watercolor Aficionados Competiton), Museo National de la Acuarela (National Watercolor Museum) Mexico City.
World Watercolour Competition Catalogue 2014, page 177
Catalogue 2013, Sociedad Mexicana de Acuarelistas, page 14-15
luis fernando
09.09.2016 17:30
09.09.2016 20:10
Muchas Gracias.
Seneste kommentarer
23.01 | 23:48
Hi thank you. Did you see the demo on this web site? Saludos
23.01 | 18:17
Hullo, I love the way you manage colours and watercolor . Iam beginner and I would like more demostrations from you! You se realy fantastic!!!!
18.12 | 20:22
Thank you very much I’m glad you liked it. Have fun and all the best to you too. Heidi
18.12 | 15:50
I watched your demo and absolutely loved it. You make it look so easy - going to try to be more loose. Wishing you all good things. Penny